Thraxas! (SYD) Violent Vacation Album Launch w/ Alarum, Katana Cartel and Firing Squad
Thraxas! (SYD) Violent Vacation Album Launch w/ Alarum, Katana Cartel and Firing Squad
Metal Evilution

Thraxas! (SYD) Violent Vacation Album Launch w/ Alarum, Katana Cartel and Firing Squad

Bendigo Hotel (Collingwood, VIC)
Saturday, 24 May 2025 8:00 pm
70 days away
18 Plus
Heavy Metal
Metal / Hard Rock

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Melbourne, get ready for a night of pure thrash chaos as Thraxas! (SYD) unleash their debut album, Violent Vacation, at The Bendigo on Saturday May 24th. Known for their relentless speed, razor-sharp riffs, and no-holds-barred energy, Thraxas! Are set to debut the new album in full. Joining them are Alarum, Katana Cartel, and Firing Squad.