EARTHBONG "Bongs Beneath" Tour
EARTHBONG "Bongs Beneath" Tour

EARTHBONG "Bongs Beneath" Tour

Bendigo Hotel (Collingwood, VIC)
Thursday, 24 April 2025 9:00 pm
40 days away
18 Plus
Heavy Metal
Metal / Hard Rock

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After winning over large crowds and festival promoters in Europe for the last 7 years, EarthBong from Germany will hit our shores for the first time this April, unleashing their brand of Heavy and Loud, Sludgy - Doom!

Along for the ride are fellow Euro tour buddies "Lucifungus" from Canberra.
Supported by local heavyweights GOATSHAMAN and GIANT"! And hosted at the legendary "Bendigo hotel".

Get your tickets while you can.