Ghostsmoker 'Inertia Cult' album launch
Ghostsmoker 'Inertia Cult' album launch
Art As Catharsis Records

Ghostsmoker 'Inertia Cult' album launch

Bendigo Hotel (Collingwood, VIC)
Saturday, 29 March 2025 8:00 pm
14 days away
18 Plus
Metal / Hard Rock
Heavy Metal

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with Mammon's Throne, Aglo & Bentham's Head.


Melbourne's own Ghostsmoker are thrilled to announce the launch of their debut album, Inertia Cult. To mark the occasion, they'll unleash their relentless brand of blackened sludge at The Bendigo Hotel in a night of pure sonic annihilation. 

Joining Ghostsmoker are some of Melbourne's heaviest acts, including Mammon's Throne, Aglo & Bentham's Head.

Pre-sale tickets: $20+BF
Door price: $25